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Why investing (in debt) gives more chances?

HTML Full-screen iframe (100% Height and Width) Because we’re not playing the lottery. We DON’T engage in shuffling assets from one trader to another. That’s risky, as it’s essentially a BATTLE for someone else’s piece. Instead, we’re NURTURING the piece...

Isn’t trading better (buy low and sell high) than waiting a few years?

NO! No need to do this, because the risk of losing money is much higher than the chance of profit. IMPORTANT! If you invest in debt (buy an asset for a lot years) then your chances of PROFIT = 95-100%....

How much can securities fall in price?

This is indeed possible in two cases: Economic Crises: Economic crises occur regularly within the framework of the existing economic model. Typically, this happens with a frequency of about 10 years. However, these crises do not completely destroy the economy....

How can I keep my savings?

The solution is clear: you need to make your assets generate income that covers the annual inflation. Master this skill, and you will become the master of your life and a prosperous individual. Fail to learn it, and you’ll remain...

How to protect yourself from crises and bankruptcies?

The most popular solutions are as follows: A) Diversification. It is essential to hold capital in different places: domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, funds, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, real estate, and more. B) Conservatism. Giving preference to low-risk investments (gold, real...